Fish in Schools

Fish in Schools

Raise to Release Program

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Engage your students in an unforgettable educational experience by raising rainbow trout in your classroom!

From January through May, students and teachers will raise fish from egg to alevin and fry, then release them into a provincially-approved waterbody.

Established in 1998, Fish in Schools (FinS) is a provincial fisheries educational program, delivered by Bow Habitat Station. Since its inception, the program has engaged over 60,000 students in over 40 communities across the province.

Apply for Fish in Schools

Aligned with learning objectives identified in the Alberta Education’s Program of Studies at every grade level, FinS acts as an experiential classroom-based learning tool to support the delivery of science and nature topics, including:

  • A trout’s life cycle.
  • Fish adaptations.
  • Healthy aquatic habitats.
  • Water quality.

By applying to the FinS program, you can:

  • Engage your students by raising 65 rainbow trout in your very own classroom aquarium.
  • Form a connection with Alberta's wildlife and environment through hands-on participation in fish care and maintaining water quality.
  • Gain access to special guest presentations to expand learning outcomes.

Program Costs

Funded by the Government of Alberta, Bow Habitat Station covers the following costs associated with the program including coordination (eggs and fish food delivery), project support (fish care and technical support questions), development of resource supports and supplementary webinars.

Schools are responsible for the cost of the aquarium and equipment, annual maintenance costs, annual supplies, returning of egg delivery materials, and transportation for their release event.

Application Requirements

Applications open June 1 - September 30 annually.

To be considered for the FinS program, a school requires two project coordinators, and must:

  • Be a school residing in Alberta.
  • Obtain signed consent from the school principal.
  • Agree to the financial responsibilities of the program.
  • Complete the application form acknowledging important program dates, mandatory training and fish care requirements.
  • Be in good standing with Fish in Schools (applicable to past participants).

For additional information about the FinS program, visit:

FinS Educational Portal


Applications are open to schools across Alberta from June 1 – September 30 each year. See the Application Form.

Schools are responsible for the cost of the aquarium equipment (initial set-up ~$1,500-$1,700), annual supplies (~$100/year), returning delivery supplies to Bow Habitat Station, maintenance fees, and all costs associated with a fish release event (i.e. bussing). The FinS program provides participants with the required training and licencing for the program, access to learning materials and student webinars.

A Fish Research Licence (FRL) allows you to legally raise rainbow trout in your classroom and release them into an approved waterbody. Bow Habitat Station coordinates the delivery of FRLs for participating schools. Anyone (person, agency or institution) whose work involves collecting, holding or sampling fish for inventory, research, educational or promotional purposes in Alberta must obtain a FRL..

Fish release locations are selected and approved by provincial regional biologists and are consistent with established recreational stocking sites. This ensures the fish are released into a healthy habitat and fit in with the local ecosystem where recreational fish stocking has already been approved as a management tool for the waterbody.

FinS aims to foster an appreciation of trout and encourages participants to consider their role in the conservation and stewardship of Alberta’s fish, water and ecosystems..

Success in the FinS program requires an ongoing daily commitment from the School Coordinators and students to care for the fish and aquariums systems. This includes care in the form of equipment set-up and maintenance, water changes, feeding of fish, and water quality testing. It is important for School Coordinators to secure support from other staff and their principal to support with the care and maintenance required in the FinS program.

FinS directly engages students and teachers in classroom-based learning opportunities that support the delivery of environmental education topics, including: native trout and species at risk, fisheries management, water quality, ecosystem health, and aquatic invasive species. Through this work, students and teachers uncover the pressures facing Alberta’s water, aquatic habitats and fisheries, and consider their role in maintaining these precious natural resources for future generations.

Schools must remain in good standing with the FinS program to be accepted in future years. School Coordinators must complete the following to be considered in good standing:

  1. Adhere to the requirements of the Fish Research Licence.
  2. Return their egg delivery supplies to Bow Habitat Station.
  3. Complete the online release training and quiz.
  4. Submit their final report by June 30.

Teacher Testimonies

Contact Fish in Schools

Updated: Dec 3, 2024