Connect with Nature in the Classroom
Engage your students in an unforgettable educational experience by raising rainbow trout in your classroom!
From January through May, students and teachers participating in the Fish in Schools program raise trout from
egg to fry and release them into a provincially-approved waterbody as a part of Alberta's fish stocking program.
About Fish in Schools
Established in 1998, Fish in Schools is a provincial fisheries management education program providing schools across Alberta unique and hands-on opportunities to raise rainbow trout in their own classrooms.
Since its inception, the program has engaged over 60,000 students in over 40 communities across the province - from Fort McMurray in the north to Pincher Creek in the south.
Apply for Fish in Schools
Aligned with learning objectives identified in the Alberta Education curriculum, Fish in Schools is a unique education tool supporting the delivery of science and nature topics, including:
- A trout’s life cycle
- Fish adaptations
- Healthy aquatic habitats
- Water quality
By applying to this program, you can:
- Engage your students by raising 65 rainbow trout in your very own classroom
- Form a connection with Alberta's wildlife and environment through hands-on participation in fish care from egg to fry over a five-month period
- Gain access to special guest presentations on Alberta’s environment and ecosystems to expand learning outcomes
Program Costs
Funded by the Government of Alberta, Bow Habitat Station covers the following costs associated with the program including coordination (eggs and fish food delivery), project support (fish care and technical support questions), development of resource supports and supplementary webinars.
Schools are responsible for the initial cost of the fish tank and equipment, annual maintenance costs, annual supplies, returning of egg delivery materials, and transportation for their release event.
Application Requirements and Guidelines
2024-2025 Applications open June 1 - September 30, 2024.
To be considered for the Fish in Schools program, a school requires two project coordinators, and must:
- Be a school residing in Alberta
- Be in good standing with Fish in Schools (applicable to past participants)
- Obtain signed consent from the school principal
- Agree to the financial responsibilities of the program
- Complete the application form acknowledging important program dates, mandatory training and fish care requirements
For additional information about the FinS program, visit:
FinS Educational Portal
Teacher Testimonies
“The release field trip is an amazing experience. I had a classroom with a high number of English language learners. The opportunity to have parents come out to the lake with the children and hear them make such wonderful connections between what they have been learning in science with first hand experiences at the lake was just phenomenal! Our kindergarten students connected the life cycle of fish with other animal’s life cycles as well as their own developmental milestones.”
“Lots of positives - had the opportunity to build an environmental course based on this project. Enjoyed the hands-on experience part of it.”
“I love seeing the students' excitement each day when they visit the tank and hearing all of the stories from parents about how much the parents are learning about the fish because their child is telling them all about it”
“This program never fails to reconnect high school students to the natural world and always engages conversation on a wide variety of topics within the classroom. I always love finding the one or two students who really become invested in the health and care of the fish. The mentorship opportunities for school visits and classroom engagement is always great. Matching the release with the Grotto Canyon hike is always a great way to finish the school year.“
Contact Fish in Schools
Updated: May 23, 2024